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Totely is an enterprise software platform that enables small, medium, and large enterprises transform their offline business commerce to online and digital.


The Totely platform offers Digital Contracts and signatures, Orders, Leads, Promotional Communication, Dealer management, Inventory management and Supply chain tracking with real time notification and status updates over multiple channels of communication like SMS, Email, WhatsApp, Chat, Phone calls, Video etc through a single dashboard.


Enterprises are undergoing digital transformation. However, today, enterprise contracts, purchase orders, invoices, inventory tracking, channel notifications etc and the interactions with customers, vendors and partners are done in a disparate manner with many of these processes done offline using paper. The Totely platform enables enterprises to manage all their supply chain interactions and associated workflows through a single dashboard with real time notifications and status updates across multiple communication channels.

Totely unifies through a single dashboard, all the enterprise supply chain interactions and communications though a secure, cloud based digital platform that can be customized for individual enterprise workflows using triggers and notifications. With the strong push toward digital transformation, enterprises are looking for ways to digitize their internal order management processes on a single dashboard.

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